Complaints, Comments and Feedback
We want to give you the best quality service possible if you attend our clinic. As a practice we are always working to improve our services for patients. To provide the best possible service we need to know when things go wrong, or if we are not meeting your needs. Whilst we strive to offer an excellent service at all times, we recognise that, on occasion, things may go wrong. Everyone, whatever their business or profession, makes mistakes from time to time, and it is important to learn from these mistakes. We review every incident that comes to our attention, and aim to make appropriate changes where a lesson may be learned from what has happened – to avoid further similar problems in the future.
We want to hear from you, if, for example:
- You are not satisfied with the standard of service you have received
- You have not received a service you think you should have
- You feel that you have not been treated politely and with respect.
- The quickest way to get a problem sorted out is by explaining it at the point of service.
If you have any concerns please discuss them with a member of staff at the time so we can try to resolve them immediately.
If you wish to put a complaint or a comment in writing please contact the Office Manager, at the clinic address or by email at
Complaints Procedure
What will happen when I complain?
- If you make a complaint, we will contact you within 10 working days of receiving your complaint. If, for any reason, your complaint is going to take longer than 10 days to sort out, you will get an explanation and date by which you should get a full response.
- If the matter has not been resolved satisfactorily, we would then have the option to refer the complaint to our Medical/Dental Indemnity Advisor for further comment.
- Taking your complaint further : if you are not happy with the final response that you receive from us, you can request that the Medical/Dental Council investigate your complaint.
We take the concept of quality very seriously. We welcome your views, as we can only improve on what we do, if we listen and react to what our patients tell us.